My darling blogger friend (and considered real life friend) Melissa very kindly posted a picture of the moving announcements that she commissioned me to create for her and her family. From that I received another order for moving announcements.
I was so excited!! (Thanks Melissa for the plug!! ;) Networking is everything in this type of business!!
My guidelines were that the family loves music and is moving to an area of the country where music reigns, stick with earth tones - blues, cream, and chocolates. So with my Cricut...the possibilities are ENDLESS!
I had purchased some of the Love, Elsie Roxie Bands paper from EP specifically for this project as well as some new Heidi Grace blue/green/ivory paisley paper.
I went to my cardstock stash (which is getting freakishly low!). I pulled out all SU! Kraft, Very Vanilla, Soft Sky, River Rock, Certainly Celery and Old Olive. I started with Kraft, followed by Very Vanilla, followed by Old Olive, followed by the Heidi Grace paper. I then used my Cricut (My Community cartridge) to cut out the fence in the appropriate sizing using Certainly Celery.
I then used my Cricut (Locker Talk cartridge) to cut out the music notes on the staff paper - which is the back side of the Roxie Bands paper. I also used some tiny Making Memory flower brads as the "hinges" on the gate. I used SU! 5/8" chocolate grosgrain ribbon as a sweet embellishment on one of the fence posts. I adhered some of the music notes on the fence to look as though they were drifting through the air as though music were being played somewhere off in the distance at their new house! ;)
I created a luggage tag (to coordinate along with the moving theme) that slips behind the gate that contains the family information. I have photos of this but I will take one with the information not showing for privacy reasons and post that in a bit as an addendum.
The tag is made with SU! River Rock and Soft Sky. I used my little slot punch at the top and ran some River Rock double stitch ribbon through the top and adhered them together so it lays flat. The information is printed in chocolate brown and I also have music notes floating on the tag. The other thing that I did with the music notes is give them a tiny bit of sparkle (considering they are only black and white) by doodling on them with my clear Sakura gel pen.
+++++++++++ADDENDUM+++++++++++++ (for some reason the way the light is right now I had a hard time
I've already gotten the thumbs up approval for these as I sent her a picture last night. I'm so thrilled that she likes them! They are SO fun to make!!

Meredith these are just gorgeous! you are so creative! TFS.
You have beautiful work! I love your designs and sense of pattern mixing.
These are gorgeous!
Love them!!!!
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